f. Giorgio Sartor


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Biomolecules Enzymes Membranes Proteins
Biochemistry of pollutants Energy Lipids Metabolism Signal transduction

Marine life Adaptation Enzymes & Proteins Molecules
Eel (Anguilla anguilla) Bioluminescence Antifreeze proteins Marine toxins
Marine inverebrates Cold adaptation Carbonic Anhydrase Squalene
Electric fishes Heat Shock Proteins Glycosidases Trimethylammonium Oxide

Metabolic adaptation Proteases UREA AND UREASE

Oxygen transport systems Lipases

Shell formation

Sulfur metabolism

A new proposal for urease mechanism based on the crystal structures of the native and inhibited enzyme from Bacillus pasteurii: why urea hydrolysis costs two nickels
A Review of Osmoregulation in Freshwater and Marine Elasmobranchs
Ammonia Excretion and Urea Handling by Fish Gills: Present Understanding and Future Research Challenges
Chloride Cells and the Hormonal Control of Teleost Fish Osmoregulation
Diluting segment in kidney of dogfish shark I. Localization and characterization of chloride absorption
Diluting segment in kidney of dogfish shark. II. Electrophysiology of apical membranes and cellular resistances
Effects of osmolytes on hexokinase kinetics combined with macromolecular crowding Test of the osmolyte compatibility hypothesis towards crowded systems
Evidence for the Involvement of Carbonic Anhydrase and Urease in Calcium Carbonate Formation in the Gravity-Sensing Organ of Aplysia californica
Glutamine-dependent Synthesis of Citrulline by Isolated Hepatic Mitochondria from Squalus acanthias
Intracellular osmoregulatory role of amino acids and urea in marine elasmobranchs
Mechanism of biosynthesis of trimethylamine oxide from choline in the teleost tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, under freshwater conditions
Mechanism of biosynthesis of trimethylamine oxide in tilapia reared under seawater conditions
Metabolic organization of freshwater, euryhaline, and marine elasmobranchs: implications for the evolution of energy metabolism in sharks and rays
Molecular Mechanisms of Urea Transport
N-Acetyl-L-glutamate and the Urea Cycle in Gulf Toadfish (Opsanus beta) and Other Fish
Nitrogen Excretion: Three End Products, Many Physiological Roles
Nitrogen excretion and changes of hemocyanin, protein and free amino acid levels in the hemolymph of Penaeus monodon exposed to different concentrations of ambient ammonia-N at different salinity levels
Nitrogen Excretion in Fish
Nitrogen-Excretion in Selachian Ontogeny
Nitrogen Metabolism in Lakes II. Role of Nitrogen Fixation in Sanctuary Lake, Pennsylvania
Nitrogen Metabolites and Related Enzymatic Activities in The Body Fluids and Tissues of The Hydrothermal Vent Tubeworm Riftia Pachyptila
Ontogeny of osmoregulation in postembryonic fish: A review
Osmotic stress sensing and signaling in fishes

Strain-Specific Ureolytic Microbial Calcium Carbonate Precipitation
Structural properties of the nickel ions in urease: novel insights into the catalytic and inhibition mechanisms
The accumulation of methylamine counteracting solutes in elasmobranchs with differing levels of urea: a comparison of marine and freshwater species
The Biosynthesis of Trimethylamine-N-Oxide
The Dogfish Shark (Squalus acanthias) Increases both Hepatic and Extrahepatic Ornithine Urea Cycle Enzyme Activities for Nitrogen Conservation after Feeding
The effect of carbonic anhydrase, urea and urease on the calcium carbonate deposition in the shell-repair membrane of the snail, Helix pomatia L.
The Little Skate Raja erinacea Exhibits an Extrahepatic Ornithine Urea Cycle in the Muscle and Modulates Nitrogen Metabolism during Low-Salinity Challenge
The Physiology and Evolution of Urea Transport in Fishes
Urea and Water Permeability in Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) Gills
Urea based osmoregulation and endocrine control in elasmobranch fish with special reference to euryhalinity
Urea Production and Transport in Teleost Fishes


Earth Sciences

Political Sciences

Space Sciences
Tools for sciences

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