f. Giorgio Sartor


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Biomolecules Enzymes Membranes Proteins
Biochemistry of pollutants Energy Lipids Metabolism Signal transduction

Marine life Adaptation Enzymes & Proteins Molecules
Eel (Anguilla anguilla) BIOLUMINESCENCE Antifreeze proteins Marine toxins
Marine inverebrates Cold adaptation Carbonic Anhydrase Squalene
Electric fishes Heat Shock Proteins Glycosidases Trimethylammonium Oxide

Metabolic adaptation Proteases Urea and Urease

Oxygen transport systems Lipases

Shell formation

Sulfur metabolism

All three Ca2+-binding loops of photoproteins bind calcium ions: The crystal structures of calcium-loaded apo-aequorin and apo-obelin
A new Western North Atlantic Ocean kitefin shark (Squaliformes: Dalatiidae) from the Gulf of Mexico
A semi-synthetic organism that stores and retrieves increased genetic information
Biofluorescence in Catsharks (Scyliorhinidae): Fundamental Description and Relevance for Elasmobranch Visual Ecology
Bioluminescence in lanternsharks: Insight from hormone receptor
Bioluminescence of the Largest Luminous Vertebrate, the Kitefin Shark, Dalatias licha: First Insights and Comparative Aspects
Circadian Control Sheds Light on Fungal Bioluminescence
Comparative control of luminescence in sharks: New insights from the
slendertail lanternshark (Etmopterus molleri)
Extraction of Renilla-type luciferin from the calcium-activated photoproteins aequorin, mnemiopsin, and berovin
Firefly luciferase: the structure is known, but the mystery remains
Green Fluorescent Protein
Identification of Quorum-Quenching N-Acyl Homoserine Lactonases from Bacillus Species
Interchange of aequorin and obelin bioluminescence color is determined by substitution of one active site residue of each photoprotein
Photoluminescence Rainbow from Coelenteramide—A Theoretical Study (Supplementary)
Positive Autoregulation of the Vibrio fischeri luxR Gene
Quenching of acyl-homoserine lactone-dependent quorum sensing by enzymatic disruption of signal molecules
Quorum sensing communication between bacteria and human cells: signals, targets, and functions
Single Amino Acid Replacement Makes Aequorea victoria Fluorescent Proteins Reversibly Photoswitchable
Small-molecule inhibitor binding to an N-acyl-homoserine lactone synthase

Structural Basis and Specificity of Acyl-Homoserine Lactone Signal Production in Bacterial Quorum Sensing
Structural basis for the emission of violet bioluminescence from a W92F obelin mutant
Structure of the Ca2+-regulated photoprotein obelin at 1.7 Å resolution determined directly from its sulfur substructure
The enzymes of bacterial census and censorship
The Evolution of Bioluminescent Oxygen Consumption as an Ancient Oxygen Detoxification Mechanism
The Origins of Marine Bioluminescence: Turning Oxygen Defence Mechanisms Into Deep-Sea Communication Tools
The presence of lateral photophores correlates with increased speciation in deep-sea bioluminescent sharks
The Vibrio fischeri LuxR Protein Is Capable of Bidirectional Stimulation of Transcription and Both Positive and Negative Regulation of the luxR Gene
Transcriptome Analysis of the Vibrio fischeri LuxR-LuxI Regulon
Vision in the deep sea
Vision using multiple distinct rod opsins in deep-sea fishes


Earth Sciences

Political Sciences

Space Sciences
Tools for sciences

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