f. Giorgio Sartor


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Biochemistry of marine organisms Biomolecules ENZYMES Membranes Proteins
Biochemistry of pollutants Energy Lipids Metabolism Signal transduction

Enzyme kinetics
Molecular motors Hydrolases
Redox enzymes
Enzymology ATPases
Carbonic anhydrase
Mechanisms Bacterial Flagellum
Deacethylases Desaturase

Glycosidases Dioxygenases

Kinesin Lipases Monooxygenases - CYP450

Microtubules Proteases

Myosin Urease

3-D Structure of Serum Paraoxonase 1 Sheds Light on Its Activity, Stability, Solubility and Crystallizability
Acetylcholinesterase XI. Reversibility of Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate Inhibition
Aspartate 74 as a Primary Determinant in Acetylcholinesterase Governing Specificity to Cationic Organophosphonates
Changes in Neuronal Acetylcholinesterase Gene Expression and Division of Labor in Honey Bee Colonies
Drought effects on carbon and nitrogen metabolism of pea nodules can be mimicked by paraquat: evidence for the occurrence of two regulation pathways under oxidative stresses
Effect of pH on Inhibition and Spontaneous Reactivation of Acetylcholinesterase Treated with Esters of Phosphorus Acids and of Carbamic Acids
Inhibition of Drosophila melanogaster acetylcholinesterase by high concentrations of substrate
Isolation, Sequence, and Functional Expression of the Mouse M1 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Gene
Organophosphorus pesticide poisoning: cases and developments
Oxime reactivation of acetylcholinesterase inhibited by toxic phosphorus esters: in vitro kinetics and thermodynamics
Oximes for acute organophosphate pesticide poisoning

Oxonase and Esterase Activities of Erythrocyte Carbonic Anhydrase
Phosphoacetylcholinesterase: Toxicity of Phosphorus Oxychloride to Mammals and Insects That Can Be Attributed to Selective Phosphorylation of Acetylcholinesterase by Phosphorodichloridic Acid
Selective Toxicity of Neonicotinoids Attributable to Specificity of Insect and Mammalian Nicotinic Receptors
Structure and evolution of the serum paraoxonase family of detoxifying and anti-atherosclerotic enzymes
Structure/function analyses of human serum paraoxonase (HuPON1) mutants designed from a DFPase-like homology model
Structure-Reactivity Studies of Serum Paraoxonase PON1 Suggest that Its Native Activity Is Lactonase
The Active Site of Human Paraoxonase (PON1)
Toxicity, Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition and Metabolism of Enolic Phosphate Esters Resembling the Insecticide, Phosdrin
Toxicity due to organophosphorus compounds: what about chronic exposure?
Toxicity of the Organophosphate Chemical Warfare Agents GA, GB, and VX: Implications for Public Protection


Earth Sciences

Political Sciences

Space Sciences
Tools for sciences

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