f. Giorgio Sartor


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Senses Species

Behavioural sciences Hearing Bears
Humans (Homo sapiens sapiens)
Biochemistry Olfaction Bees (Apis mellifera) Insects and Spiders
Taste Birds
Monkeys and Apes
EVOLUTION Touch Cats (small and big) Rodents
Genetics Vision Dogs, wolves and foxes (Canidae) Plants
Chemoception Elephant Prokaryotes

Thermoception Extint Sea animals

Electro and Magnetoception Horses Others

A 390 million‑year‑old hyper‑compound eye in Devonian phacopid trilobites
A cortex-like canonical circuit in the avian forebrain
A Draft Sequence of the Neandertal Genome
A high-resolution summary of Cambrian to Early Triassic marine invertebrate biodiversity
A Non-canonical Feedback Circuit for Rapid Interactions between Somatosensory Cortices
A neural correlate of sensory consciousness in a corvid bird
A retroviral origin of vertebrate myelin
A scalable pipeline for designing reconfigurable organisms (S.I., Movie 1, Movie 2)
A sleep-like state in Hydra unravels conserved sleep mechanisms during the evolutionary development of the central nervous system
A unified genealogy of modern and ancient genomes
Adaptive landscapes challenge the ‘‘lateral-to-sagittal’’ paradigm for mammalian vertebral evolution
Allometric rules for mammalian cortical layer 5 neuron biophysics
An extraterrestrial trigger for the mid-Ordovician ice age: Dust from the breakup of the L-chondrite parent body
Analysis of Human Sequence Data Reveals Two Pulses of Archaic Denisovan Admixture
Ancient and modern genomes unravel the evolutionary history of the rhinoceros family
Ancient Ethiopian genome reveals extensive Eurasian admixture in Eastern Africa
Ancient European dog genomes reveal continuity since the Early NeolithicAncient European dog genomes reveal continuity since the Early Neolithic
Ancient genomes revisit the ancestry of domestic and Przewalski’s horses
Ancient hepatitis B viruses from the Bronze Age to the Medieval period
Ancient west Eurasian ancestry in southernand eastern Africa
Ancient whales did not filter feed with their teeth
Antiquity of forelimb ecomorphological diversity in the mammalian stem lineage (Synapsida)
Are Extreme Anatomical Modifications Required for Fish to Move Effectively on Land? Comparative Anatomy of the Posterior Axial Skeleton in the Cyprinodontiformes
Australopithecus afarensis endocasts suggest ape-like brain organization and prolonged brain growth
Biological origins of color categorization
Bioluminescence of the Largest Luminous Vertebrate, the Kitefin Shark, Dalatias licha: First Insights and Comparative Aspects
Biomechanics of predator–prey arms race in lion, zebra, cheetah and impala
Body size downgrading of mammals over the late Quaternary
Bone metabolism and evolutionary origin of osteocytes: Novel application of FIB-SEM tomography
Brain expansion in early hominins predicts carnivore extinctions in East Africa
Chemical signals from eggs facilitate cryptic female choice in humans
Chlamydial contribution to anaerobic metabolism during eukaryotic evolution
Comparative analyses of the Pan lineage reveal selection ongene pathways associated with diet and sociality in bonobos
Convergent geographic patterns between grizzly bear population genetic structure and Indigenous language groups in coastal British Columbia, Canada
Demographic dynamics of the smallest marine vertebrates fuel coral-reef ecosystem functioning
Digging for Dodo
Discovery of the oldest bilaterian from the Ediacaran  of South Australia (SI)
Divergence of species responses to climate change
Domestication via the commensal pathway in a fish-invertebrate mutualism
Dosage analysis of the 7q11.23 Williams region identifies BAZ1B as a major human gene patterning the modern human face and underlying self-domestication
Drought will not leave your glass empty: Low risk of hydraulic failure revealed by long-term drought observations in world’s top wine regions
Early trace of life from 3.95 Ga sedimentary rocks in Labrador, Canada
Engulfed by speculation
Elpistostege and the origin of the vertebrate handElpistostege and the origin of the vertebrate hand
Eocene animal trace fossils in 1.7-billion-year-old metaquartzites
Evidence for an early prokaryotic endosymbiosis
Evidence for early life in Earth’s oldest hydrothermal vent precipitates
Evolution of the grass leaf by primordium extension and petiole-lamina remodeling
Exceptional fossil preservation and evolution of the ray-finned fish brain
Extinction and dawn of the modern world in the Carnian (Late Triassic)
Evolution and molecular basis of a novel allosteric property of crocodilian hemoglobin
Evolutionary history and palaeoecology of brown bear in North-East Siberia re-examined using ancient DNA and stable isotopes from skeletal remains
Extreme Adaptation in Caves

Flexible Muscle-Based Locomotion for Bipedal Creatures
Fossil apes and human evolution
Fractal-like hierarchical organization of bone begins at the nanoscale
From haematopoietic stem cells to complex differentiation landscapes
From wild animals to domestic pets, an evolutionary view of domestication
Genes lost during the transition from land to water in cetaceans highlight genomic changes associated with aquatic adaptations
Genetic and spatial organization of the unusual chromosomes of the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium microadriaticum
Gigantism, temperature and metabolic rate in terrestrial poikilotherms
Is the Y chromosome disappearing? - Both sides of the argument
Isolation of an archaeon at the prokaryote–eukaryote interface
Land to sea transitions in vertebrates: the dynamics of colonization
Large and exaggerated sexually selected weapons comprise high proportions of metabolically inexpensive exoskeleton
Loss of AvrSr50 by somatic exchange in stem rust leads to virulence for Sr50 resistance in wheat
Mating preferences of selfish sex chromosomes
Modern theories of human evolution foreshadowed by Darwin’s Descent of Man
Neandertal and Denisovan DNA from Pleistocene sediments
On impact and volcanism across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary
Out of thin air
Oxytocin-gaze positive loop and the coevolution of human-dog bonds
Preserving cell shape under environmental stress
Proliferating coacervate droplets as the missing link between chemistry and biology in the origins of life
Pulsed volcanic combustion events coincident with the endPermian terrestrial disturbance and the following global crisis
Recovering signals of ghost archaic introgression in African populations
Reintroduction of the archaic variant of NOVA1 in cortical organoids alters neurodevelopment
Self-domestication in Homo sapiens: Insights from comparative genomics
Sex chromosome transformation and the origin of a male-specific X chromosome in the creeping vole
Spatial phenotypic and genetic structure of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in a heterogeneous natural system, Lake Mývatn, Iceland
Spontaneous droplets gyrating via asymmetric self-splitting on heterogeneous surfaces
Structural variants in genes associated with human Williams-Beuren syndrome underlie stereotypical hypersociability in domestic dogs
Supernova triggers for end-Devonian extinctions
Systematic Revision of Symbiodiniaceae Highlights the Antiquity and Diversity of Coral Endosymbionts
Terrestrial habitats decouple the relationship between species and subspecies diversification in mammals Supplementary Informations Data Sheets
The association between ethnicity and vaginal microbiota composition in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
The complete genome sequence of a Neanderthal from the Altai Mountains
The genomic history of the Iberian Peninsula over the past 8000 years
The Hot Spring Hypothesis for an Origin of Life
The morphology of the Late Pleistocene hominin remains from the site of La Cotte de St Brelade, Jersey (Channel Islands)
The marbled crayfish as a paradigm for saltational speciation by autopolyploidy and parthenogenesis in animals
The ontogeny of occipital bone convexity in a longitudinal sample of extant humans
The pectoral girdle of StW 573 (‘Little Foot’) and its implications forshoulder evolution in the Hominina
The phylogenomics of evolving virus virulence
The role of borosilicate glass in Miller–Urey experiment

Time-space–displaced responses in the orangutan vocal system
Using hominin introgression to trace modern human dispersals
Whales originated from aquaticartiodactyls in the Eocene epoch of India
Whole-proteome tree of life suggests a deep burst of organism diversity

Earth Sciences

Political Sciences

Space Sciences
Tools for sciences

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