f. Giorgio Sartor


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Planet Earth

Earthquakes Geochemistry Planet evolution and continents
Sea, shores and coasts
Space Impacts Volcanoes

30 years of the iron hypothesis of ice ages
A global environmental crisis 42,000 years ago
A high‑amplitude atmospheric inertia–gravity wave‑induced meteotsunami in Lake Michigan
A long-term record of early to mid-Paleozoic marine redox change
A new global ice sheet reconstruction for the past 80 000 years
A pulse of the Earth: A 27.5-Myr underlying cycle in coordinated geological events over the last 260 Myr
Air pollution impacts of COVID-19–related containment measures
Alpine ice-core evidence for the transformation of the European monetary system, AD 640–670
Atmospheric 14C/12C changes during the last glacial period from Hulu Cave
Biological impacts of deep-sea carbon dioxide injection inferred from indices of physiological performance
Biomarker Proxy Records of Arctic Climate Change During the Mid-Pleistocene Transition from Lake El’gygytgyn (Far East Russia)
Climate change and the selective signature of the Late Ordovician mass extinction
Climate Change in the Breadbasket of the Roman Empire—Explaining the Decline of the Fayum Villages in the Third Century CE
Climate effects on archaic human habitats and species successions
Constraining the Volume of Earth's Early Oceans With a Temperature-Dependent Mantle Water Storage Capacity Model
Deep glacial troughs and stabilizing ridges unveiled beneath the margins of the Antarctic ice sheet
Deglaciation of the Eurasian ice sheet complex
Development and evolution of an anomalous Asian dust event across Europe in March 2020
Dietary ecology of Alaskan polar bears (Ursus maritimus) through time and in response to Arctic climate change
Dinosaur diversification linked with the Carnian Pluvial Episode
Early Last Interglacial ocean warming drove substantial ice mass loss from Antarctica
Earth system impacts of the European arrival and Great Dying in the Americas after 1492
End-Cretaceous extinction in Antarctica linked to both Deccan volcanism and meteorite impact via climate change
End-Permian marine extinction due to temperature-driven nutrient recycling and euxinia
Enhanced weathering and CO2 drawdown caused by latest Eocene strengthening of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation
Eocene greenhouse climate revealed by coupled clumped isotope-Mg/Ca thermometry
Evaluating bivalve cytoprotective responses and their regulatory pathways in a climate change scenario
Evidence for a Northern Hemispheric trigger of the 100,000-y glacial cyclicity
Extinction and dawn of the modern world in the Carnian (Late Triassic)
Extraordinary Biomass-Burning Episode and Impact Winter Triggered by the Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact ∼12,800 Years Ago. 1. Ice Cores and Glaciers (SM)
First fossil frog from Antarctica: implications for Eocene high latitude climate conditions and Gondwanan cosmopolitanism of Australobatrachia
Global climate change driven by soot at the K-Pg boundary as the cause of the mass extinction
Global hydroclimatic response to tropical volcaniceruptions over the last millennium
Global surface warming enhanced by weak Atlantic overturning circulation
Green Icebergs Formed by Freezing of Organic-Rich Seawater to the Base of Antarctic Ice Shelves
Green Icebergs Revisited
Has global warming already arrived?
Heterogeneous retreat and ice melt of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica

Late Miocene megalake regressions in Eurasia
Magnitude, frequency and climate forcing of global volcanism during the last glacial period as seen in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores (60–9 ka)Superionic iron alloys and their seismic velocities in Earth’s inner coreSuperionic iron alloys and their seismic velocities in Earth’s inner core
Mechanisms of slab avalanche release and impact in the Dyatlov Pass incident in 1959
Multidecadal climate oscillations during the past millennium driven by volcanic forcing
Neogene hyperaridity in Arabia drove the directions of mammalian dispersal between Africa and Eurasia
New elevation data triple estimates of global vulnerability to sea-level rise and coastal flooding
Nutrient content and stoichiometry of pelagic Sargassum reflects increasing nitrogen availability in the Atlantic Basin
Oxygen escape from the Earth during geomagnetic reversals:  Implications to mass extinction
Persistent global marine euxinia in the early Silurian
Possible links between extreme oxygen perturbations and the Cambrian radiation of animals
Rapid recovery of life at ground zero of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction
Shifts in global bat diversity suggest a possible role of climate change inthe emergence of SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV- 2
Source apportionment of methane escaping the subseapermafrost system in the outer Eurasian Arctic Shelf
Southern Ocean upwelling, Earth’s obliquity, and glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO2 change
Stormscapes: Simulating Cloud Dynamics in the Now
The causes of sea-level rise since 1900
The Late Ordovician Mass Extintion
The Phanerozoic Record of Global Sea-Level Change
The Second Warning to Humanity – Providing a Context for Wetland Management and Policy
The Silurian Hypothesis: Would it be possible to detect an industrial civilization in the geological record?
The Toba supervolcano eruption caused severetropical stratospheric ozone depletion
Timing and climate forcing of volcanic eruptions for the past 2,500 years
U–Pb-dated flowstones restrict South African early hominin record to dry climate phases
West African monsoon dynamics inferred from abrupt fluctuations of Lake Mega-Chad
Widespread loss of mammalian lineage and dietary diversity in the early Oligocene of Afro-Arabia


Political Sciences

Space Sciences
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